Schabowski 本為報社記者,1989 年 11 月 9 日時,他是前東德最後一任政府發言人暨政治局委員。
1989 年 10 月 18 日,Egon Krenz 接任東德新總理,新的領導班子鑑於有愈來愈多東德人自捷克與匈牙利逃往西德,決定放寬東德人的出國旅遊簽證,11 月 9 日例行的政治局會議作出決議,此項政策的細節將於翌日公佈,並逐步開放。
會議進行時發言人 Schabowski 遲到了,而 Krenz 也忘記重述先前會議的細節,晚上七點,會後的國際記者會,Schabowski 手上只有會議書面資料;當他唸完會議決議後,義大利記者 Riccardo Ehrmann 舉手發言,"何時要開放 ?",Schabowski 支吾其詞,望著手上才剛拿到的文件複印本,"據我所知,是現在生效",Schabowski 用了 "sofort, unverzüglich" (immediately) 這個字。

幾分鐘後,全球新聞媒體出現相同的插播 : "東德政府即刻起開放邊境",西德電視台的字幕打出 "The Berlin Wall was opening”,成千上萬的東柏林人在數分鐘內湧到柏林圍牆,11 點 30 分,東德的邊境軍官以為邊境真的開放了,自行作主打開 Bornholmer Brücke 檢查哨閘門,東西柏林的民眾旋即合力推倒矗立了 28 年的圍牆,數萬東柏林人徹夜遊行至西柏林慶祝,其中包括了當時東柏林科學院的物理學家,也是今天的德國總理 Angela Merkel。

Schabowski 隨後因這場記者會的錯誤,被逐出執政黨,幾個月前,他才剛獲頒東德共黨最重要的馬克思獎章;不過 Schabowski 可能並不在乎,因為東德共黨很快也垮台了,Kreuz 的任期只有兩個月,成為最短命的東德總理。

兩德統一後,Schabowski 重新擔任地方報編輯,回到媒體界,他是唯一公開批評東德社會主義的前政府高級官員,過去政治局的同僚稱他為 "Wryneck",Wryneck 是一種頭可轉 180 度的雀鳥,諷刺他的見風轉舵。1997 年,前東德政府官員的審判結束,Schabowski 因深具悔意,只被判刑三年,並於翌年獲特赦出獄。

2009 年 11 月 9 日,柏林圍牆倒塌 20 週年,德國人當然不會忘了 Schabowski,已高齡 80 歲的他接受多家媒體訪問,被媒體稱為 "The Wall's Accidental Hero" ,他不認為自己是打開邊境的英雄,但認為自己的作為間接拯救了東德政府 (I wouldn't say I was a hero who opened the border - truth be told, I acted to try to save the GDR);他說,1989 年 11 月 9 日當天,"其實我仍是一個堅定的共產黨員 (On November 9, I was still a committed communist)"。

事實上,Krenz 的新政府上台後,面對每天 300 至 500 名東德人逃出邊境,早有開放圍牆的打算,Schabowski 的記者會只是讓圍牆的倒塌出現了意外的荒謬句點。

Günter Schabowski,東德政府最後一位發言人,他用自己的歷史說明了政府發言人的重要性;還有,開會時千萬不要遲到。
Question: At once? When...
Schabowski: (... scratches his head) You see, comrades, I was informed today (puts on his glasses as he speaks further), that such an announcement had been (um) distributed earlier today. You should actually have it already. So, (reading very quickly from the paper): 1) "Applications for travel abroad by private individuals can now be made without the previously existing requirements (of demonstrating a need to travel or proving familial relationships). The travel authorizations will be issued within a short time. Grounds for denial will only be applied in particular exceptional cases. The responsible departments of passport and registration control in the People's Police district offices in the GDR are instructed to issue visas for permanent exit without delays and without presentation of the existing requirements for permanent exit."
Question: When does it come into effect?
Schabowski: (Looks through his papers...) That comes into effect, according to my information, immediately, without delay (looking through his papers further).
Question: Does this also apply for West Berlin? You only mentioned the FRG.
Schabowski: (shrugs his shoulders, frowns, looks at his papers) So ... (pause), um hmmm (reads aloud): "Permanent exit can take place via all border crossings from the GDR to the FRG and West Berlin, respectively."